Posing in their new uniforms are East Los Angeles Doctors Hospital Security officers (left to right) Jesus Solis, Elizebeth Reyes, Bryan Martinez, Rene Resendiz and David Velazquez.
Security officers around the Pipeline Health hospitals are sporting a new look with standardized uniforms rolling out this spring.
The apparel is coming soon to Memorial Hospital of Gardena, while security staff at the other three hospitals have their new uniforms.

Rene Reséndiz, security officer at East Los Angeles Doctors Hospital, wears the new uniform that includes a shirt with the Pipeline Health logo on the front and a patch on the sleeve identifying him as a member of the security team.
“We wanted to give our security personnel a professional look that will be consistent across our hospitals,” explained Marco Torries, associate hospital administrator for Pipeline. “We hope this will enhance their visibility as we work to ensure secure environments for our patients, employees, physicians and visitors.”