Approximately 2,000 Central and South American immigrants arrive each month in Los Angeles. These new residents arrive with limited fluency in English, established cultural traditions guiding how they access health care, and little knowledge of the U.S. healthcare system.
East Los Angeles Doctors Hospital has a long history of assisting this population in navigating the healthcare system. Drawing on this experience, the hospital leadership team developed an innovative community outreach program, connecting with more than 2,000 individuals.
The outreach program engages prospective patients, their families and community members. Through face-to-face encounters, these representatives distribute information and educational materials, as well as take on the role of liaison between the patient and the hospital.
“Ensuring equal access to health care services is an important part of our mission,” said Victor Carrasco, chief executive officer at East Los Angeles Doctors Hospital. “Our staff takes great pride in developing ways for patients to confidently overcome barriers to health care.”
The innovative outreach program includes the scheduling of transportation to and from the clinic facility for those without reliable transportation. The community-based representatives link the patient with a pre-identified patient access representative at the hospital’s La Clinica De Los Doctores, and that individual assists the patient through the intake process.
The program helps navigate dozens of people each month to needed healthcare services.